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2024.05.09. - Thursday, Gergely napja van.

MTI hírek

OTS - Hitachi Medical Systems Europe launches "ARIETTA 750", the new model from the ARIETTA series of diagnostic ultrasound platforms - This model inherited premium class technologies (part 2)

2020. March 11. 09:30
Steinhausen/Switzerland, 11 March, 2020 (APA/OTS) -
3. "Your Application" - Versatility of applications in various clinical fields Abdominal applications: Viral hepatitis and hepatic diseases resulting from fatty liver changes have been increasing in recent years. Therefore, non-invasive examination methods are required for the early detection of hepatic diseases as well as for pharmacotherapy treatments and follow-up. Hitachi's Real-time Tissue Elastography* and SWM (Shear Wave Measurement)* effectively support a comprehensive diagnosis of hepatic diseases such as hepatitis, hepatic fibrosis and hepatic cirrhosis. SWM can make a quantitative evaluation of tissue stiffness and its calculation also provides a reliability indicator, VsN, which allows the operator to judge the validity of measurement and achieve a measurement result with higher reliability. Additionally, the ATT (Attenuation) function is expected to contribute to the early detection of hepatic diseases. It measures the attenuation coefficient of the liver and estimates the fatty liver. SWM and ATT can be measured simultaneously in one scan. Cardiology: The number of elderly patients and lifestyle-related diseases are increasing. Consequently, the interest in cardiac failure has been increasing in recent years and more accurate diagnosis is required. Hitachi's solutions are able to provide the detailed diagnostic information that is necessary for the comprehensive diagnosis of heart failure. 2D Tissue Tracking* quantifies the local movement of the whole LV or myocardium. It contributes to the calculation of Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS), which is attracting attention in a heart failure diagnosis, and can be used in routine examinations as well. Dual Gate Doppler, powered by AI allows for automatic settings of two separate sample volumes to observe Doppler waveforms from two different locations during the same plane. By combining with R-R Navigation, which automatically detect an interval of stable heartbeat, it is possible to perform cardiac measurements on an appropriate heartbeat even in the event of irregular heartbeat like arrhythmia. *Optional. About Hitachi Medical Systems Europe Contact Hitachi Medical Systems Europe Holding AG Romea Wallnoefer +41 (0)41 748 63 33 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Az OTS internetes oldalán található hírek, közlemények, fotók a forrásmegjelöléssel (OTS) szabadon és korlátozás nélkül felhasználhatók. Továbbközlés esetén a közzétevő köteles az átvett anyagot tartalmának torzítása nélkül, félreérthetőséget, rosszindulatú következtetéseket kizáró, az eredeti szövegkörnyezetnek megfelelő módon feldolgozni és megjelentetni. Az OTS hírek nem képezik az MTI hírkiadás részét, az MTI által szó szerint továbbított tartalomért minden esetben a beadó a felelős. © Copyright MTI nonprofit Zrt. Az OTS szolgáltatással kapcsolatban további információt a (06-1) 441-9050 telefonszámon vagy a elektronikus levelező címen kaphat.
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